• Aubergine / eggplant Zaalouk – Moroccan cuisine.


    Aubergine or eggplant caviars are very popular in the Middle East, North Africa and some European countries. Among the most popular Baba Ghanoush and moutabel from the Levant, Greece and Cyprus “melitzanosalata”, “ajvar” from the Balkans and “zaalouk” the Moroccan version prepared with aubergine / eggplant, tomatoes and Chermoula spices: garlic, cumin, paprika, parsley, coriander and lots of olive oil. Cooked salads are an integral part of Moroccan cuisine, you will rarely see a main dish served on its own. Aubergine / eggplant zaalouk is the most popular (at least for me) to accompany certain dishes such as grilled meats…

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  • Moroccan chicken tagine with onions and raisins


    This savoury – sweet chicken tagine with onions and raisins is a classic of Moroccan cuisine. It’s really delicious, easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of ingredients. The tagine is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. Its name actually designates both the cooked dish and the earthenware pot in which the food is cooked. The secret to get a delicious tagine it’s not only the choice of the ingredients but above all it’s the cooking time. So please forget all recipes that offer quick and express tagines. This kind of dishes should be cooked for a long time and…

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  • Moroccan stuffed squids with rice and Chermoula


    Today I share with you a dish that I particularly love, “Moroccan Stuffed squids with rice” with its spicy tomato sauce. A recipe full of Moroccan flavours. I had already shared a “stuffed squids with quinoa and shrimp”. But today is the one that mom made for us, it’s really delicious. The squid is tender, the stuffing is just sublime and perfectly flavoured with the Chermoula, I’m not even talking about the spicy tomato sauce. You can use the tomato sauce to cook prawns with chermoula (at home we call it pil pil, nothing to do with the “Prawns Spanish…

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