Cooked veg

  • « Zaalouk » Moroccan aubergine / eggplant caviar


    Eggplant caviars and eggplant salads are quite popular throughout the Middle East, North Africa and certain European countries. Among the most popular, « Baba Ghanoush » or « Moutabel »  orignally from levantine cuisine, In Greece and Cyprus « melitzanosalata », « ajvar » from the Balkan, Georgian « badrijnis khizilala » and « zaalouk » the Moroccan version prepared with eggplant and tomatoes with Chermoula  spices : garlic, cumin, paprika, parsley, coriander and plenty of olive oil. Cooked salads are a big part of a Moroccan everyday cooking, you’ll rarely see a main course served without at least one salad. And « Zaalouk » is the common side dish for to many meals like grilled meat, or…

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