• Raspberry jam cookies.


    Jam cookies also called « lunettes de romans » in France or « Linzer cookie », it’s a buttery cookie, very crumbly and too delicious. Like the marble cake and the upside-down pineapple cake these jam cookies are a perfect teatime treats, they’re also…

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  • Moroccan chicken tagine with onions and raisins


    This savoury – sweet chicken tagine with onions and raisins is a classic of Moroccan cuisine. It’s really delicious, easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of ingredients. The tagine is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. Its name actually…

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  • Butternut, membrillo & stilton quiche – Ottolenghi


    This butternut, membrillo and Stilton quiche is a wonderful recipe form ottlenghi to celebrate the autumn.  I really enjoyed the sweetness of the membrillo (quince paste) that contrast perfectly with the Stilton cheese and the roasted butternut. It’s definitely a…

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  • Smoky polenta chips – Ottolenghi


    During the week I always try to eat very healthy and the most important for me is to  reduce my meat consumption. But the weekend on the other hand, I’m delighted to have a very nice piece of meat. So last Saturday we…

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  • Salted caramel & macadamia Babka – Babka Zana


    My love for babka started few years ago when I tried for the first time Jeffrey Cagnes’s recipe ”Chocolate & hazelnut Babka”. Since that time I didn’t stop. If you have taken a look on instagram to have an idea…

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  • Greek stuffed vegetables “Yemista”


    If you have visited Greece you’re certainly familiar with this classic dish “Greek stuffed vegetables yemista”. What is “Yemista” ? Go to any Greek taverna and you’ll find Yemista on the menu. Yemista in Greek means “stuffed” or “filled with”.…

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  • Hazelnut & caramel cookies – Cedric Grolet


    These hazelnut & caramel cookies from chef Cédric Grolet were amazing. They are very addictive, easy to make, infinitely declinable as you will see, and above all not too much sweet Cookie lovers, I present to you THE COOKIE which…

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