Jam cookies also called « lunettes de romans » in France or « Linzer cookie », it’s a buttery cookie, very crumbly and too delicious. Like the marble cake and the upside-down pineapple cake these jam cookies are a perfect teatime treats, they’re also…
Snowball cookies.
As the holidays season approaches, my kitchen comes alive with the enchanting magic of sweet treats. And among all of the delightful options, snowball cookies truly shine. These charming little…
Cocoa Kipferl – Christophe Felder.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” “Jingle Bells,” or even “Let It Snow!”—these iconic melodies instantly transport us into the magic of the holiday season. It’s the perfect…
Greek courgette fritters “kolokithokeftedes”.
Ready for a Sunny Getaway? Let’s head to the Mediterranean with this delightful recipe for courgette fritters, known as “Kolokithokeftedes.” This Greek specialty, which I had the pleasure to taste…
Greece is a place that wins everyone over with its stunning beaches, divine cuisine, and wonderful hospitality. I must admit that the island of Naxos, while less famous than its…
Spinach & lime butter pancakes – Ottolenghi.
No comment, honestly these spinach & lime butter pancakes that Ottolenghi calls “green pancakes” are sooo good.And as the end-of-year holidays approach, you can make them like blinis and serve…
Lemon and poppy seed cake – Ottolenghi & Helen Goh.
As we say « when life gives you lemon make lemonade », but not for today, I present you the most delicious, fluffy, moist and fragrant lemon and poppy seed cake ever.…
This savoury – sweet chicken tagine with onions and raisins is a classic of Moroccan cuisine. It’s really delicious, easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of ingredients. The tagine is a staple of Moroccan cuisine. Its name actually…
This butternut, membrillo and Stilton quiche is a wonderful recipe form ottlenghi to celebrate the autumn. I really enjoyed the sweetness of the membrillo (quince paste) that contrast perfectly with the Stilton cheese and the roasted butternut. It’s definitely a…
During the week I always try to eat very healthy and the most important for me is to reduce my meat consumption. But the weekend on the other hand, I’m delighted to have a very nice piece of meat. So last Saturday we…
My love for babka started few years ago when I tried for the first time Jeffrey Cagnes’s recipe ”Chocolate & hazelnut Babka”. Since that time I didn’t stop. If you have taken a look on instagram to have an idea…
If you have visited Greece you’re certainly familiar with this classic dish “Greek stuffed vegetables yemista”. What is “Yemista” ? Go to any Greek taverna and you’ll find Yemista on the menu. Yemista in Greek means “stuffed” or “filled with”.…
These hazelnut & caramel cookies from chef Cédric Grolet were amazing. They are very addictive, easy to make, infinitely declinable as you will see, and above all not too much sweet Cookie lovers, I present to you THE COOKIE which…